
ControlIt PowerStores provide onboard power storage to DCC equipped locomotives and rolling stock to overcome stalling, sound dropouts and flickering lights resulting from dirty track and poor power pickup.

The range of PowerStores available

The range of ControlIt PowerStores available, from left to right: Trapezium, Square, Rectangle, Flat. Click on the image to enlarge.

ControlIt PowerStores (also known as keepalives, KAs, or stay alives) give approximately 5 to 20 seconds* of additional power to locomotives and rolling stock fitted with a DCC decoder. The designs have been carefully considered to provide maximum performance within a range of minimal spaces.

PowerStores are suitable to operate with control systems and decoders that conform to the NMRA DCC specifications and standards.

The Flat PowerStore is suitable for wide bodies and cab roofs, for example the Auscision Paybus, the IDR Models X200 class.

The Rectangle PowerStore is a versatile shape which suits narrow hood and full body width diesel locomotives, as well as steam locomotive tenders and bodies.

The Square PowerStore was originally designed for fitting into the short hood of Auscision 48 and 830 class locos. It suits other installations, such as the Auscision 73 class cab and steam locomotive tenders.

The Trapezium PowerStores are suitable for going into cabs (one example is the IDR Models 70 class) or steam locomotive tenders.

ControlIt PowerStore sizes:

Each PowerStore comes with 100mm length blue (+ or plus) and black (ground) cables for attaching directly to a DCC decoder or manufacturer circuit board. All PowerStores are made to order.

PowerStore prices:


Contact ControlIt for Orders and Enquiries

*Note: The time range given for PowerStore performance is indicative only, as individual performance depends on the locomotive and DCC decoder in use. The PowerStores have been tested on a variety of locomotives from old Athearn mechanisms with open frame motors to modern DCC-ready models with efficient can motors.

PowerStore Gallery

PowerStore Installations