N Scale Printed Circuit Board Sleepers

ControlIt N Scale Printed Circuit Board Sleepers

ControlIt N Scale Printed Circuit Board Sleepers. Click on the image to enlarge.

ControlIt N Scale Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Sleepers are designed to hold rails in place when crossing baseboard joins, lift up or lift out sections, turntables, traversers, storage cassettes, or anywhere that requires a reliable rail alignment wherever there is a track separation.

ControlIt N Scale PCB Sleepers are suitable for Peco Code 80 track*. Sleeper dimensions and spacing are based on the Data Sheets Trackwork Manual for the New South Wales Railways (Note: product dimensions may vary very slightly due to manufacturing tolerances). Individual solder points for the rails represent sleeper plates as used on the prototype. The rails are electrically isolated and the top finish applied to the boards restricts solder to the sleeper plate areas, resulting in a neat and durable track join.

*Note: Peco Code 55 track has a different rail profile. To use ControlIt N Scale PCB Sleepers with Peco Code 55 track, it will require the PCB sleepers to be sanded or filed to reduce their thickness, or for shims to be placed under the track before the PCB sleepers to raise the rail height. ControlIt N Scale PCB Sleepers may also be suitable for use with other track manufacturers.

To use the PCB Sleepers:

On curved track the sleepers can be used as-is, or for accurate sleeper alignment they can be cut and soldered to the rail separately to suit the radius. A cutoff disk in a motor tool can be used to cut the webbing between sleepers.

The sleeper plate areas on the PCB sleepers may also be used to connect wires for track power. The solder points for each rail are electrically joined on the board so any area may be used.

N Scale PCB Sleepers pricing:


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N Scale PCB Sleeper Installations